Amy Ellis Nutt to leave Star-Ledger for Washington Post

Amy Ellis Nutt, a longtime enterprise reporter at New Jersey’s Star-Ledger who won the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing in 2011, is leaving the paper as of July 11 for a new gig at The Washington Post, Capital has learned.

“I will be joining the science team, where I will be concentrating on ‘the brain,’” Nutt confirmed via email.

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The Ledger has been bleeding talent in recent months, both through voluntary attrition and a brutal round of cuts that claimed 40 newsroom positions in April, when the paper’s parent company, Advance Publications, announced a convoluted restructuring of its Jersey operation.

Nutt has been a staff writer at the paper, the Garden State’s largest, since 1997.

Her Pulitzer win was for an exhaustive narrative piece that probed the 2009 sinking of a ship off the Jersey coast.

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