Bill Clinton decries kidnappings


Former President Bill Clinton on Thursday decried the kidnapping of 300 Nigerian girls by the terrorist group Boko Haram, according to news reports.

“All over the world there are places where men’s identity is all caught up in whether they get to tell women what to do and restrict their choices,” he said, according to The Associated Press.”We have to develop a sense of identity which is inclusive.”

Hillary Clinton also spoke out this month on behalf of the girls, callingthe kidnapping “abominable, it’s criminal, it’s an act of terrorism.” At the same time, Hillary Clinton has come under scrutiny over the State Department’s decision, under her leadership, not to add Boko Haram to its list of terrorist organizations.

Bill Clinton’s comments came at Symphony Hall in Boston, where he received an award at an event celebrating the education organization City Year.

The White House announced this week that the U.S. has sent 80 troops to the region to assist in the search for the girls.