8 times Chris Christie suggested Donald Trump shouldn't be president

Donald Trump teased a “big announcement” in Texas on Friday, and hours later out came New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announcing his endorsement of the Republican front-runner.

Before the former presidential candidate dropped out earlier this month, he took quite a few swipes at the billionaire businessman he now says is “the best choice” to back.

Here are eight of Christie’s biggest knocks, slams and putdowns:

1. Whiner-and-moaner-in-chief? — January 2016
Trump refused to participate in a Fox News debate after the network mocked the billionaire with a news release. At the time, Christie’s observation to Trump was, “Things don’t always go your way.”

“I got sent down to the undercard debate by Fox News,” he told Sean Hannity. “I didn’t think it was fair. But I didn't whine and moan and complain and walk away. I went to the debate. I argued my points.”

Christie also complained about the media coverage of Trump, who frequently phones into interviews while other candidates appear in person.

“He sits in his jammies in Trump Tower and phones in. You guys don't let any of the rest of us do that," Christie said.

2. Acting like a teenager — January 2016
Christie slammed Trump for acting like a “13-year-old” when he threatened to boycott the Fox News debate, questioning his temperament to be president.

“What’s that tell you about what we can expect if things go sideways when you go into the Oval Office? What are you going to do? Go upstairs to the residence and say 'I’m not playing'?” he said. “You know, 'Vladimir Putin isn’t being nice to me, I’m not going to return his call'? 'The press isn’t being nice to me, I’m not going to hold any more press conferences'?”

3. We don’t need reality TV in the Oval Office — December 2015
Ahead of the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses, Christie expressed a clear message to caucus-goers: The former “Celebrity Apprentice” host doesn’t belong in the White House.

“We do not need reality TV in the Oval Office right now,” he said. “President of the United States is not a place for an entertainer.”

4. No competition — December 2015
Trump questioned how Christie could run “deeply troubled” New Jersey when he was spending so much time campaigning in New Hampshire. “New Jerseyans not happy!” Trump claimed in a tweet.

But Christie shot back, dismissing Trump as someone with whom he was not in competition. “Listen, I think you’ve got a group of folks like Jeb Bush and John Kasich and Marco Rubio who are the people that I’m really competing with in New Hampshire,” Christie told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. “I don’t feel, at the moment, directly in competition with Donald Trump on these things. I feel much more in competition with Jeb Bush and John Kasich and, to some extent, also Marco Rubio.”

5. Trump is inexperienced — December 2015
After Trump’s infamous and controversial proposal to bar Muslims from entering the U.S., Christie cited that as an example of the businessman’s inexperience — something he said this country doesn’t need.

“The fact is we don't need to be profiling in order to be able to get the job done here,” Christie told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “What you need is a president who's had the experience and the know-how to do this and not someone who's just going to talk off the top of their head.”

6. Trump has to decide whether he’s serious — September 2015
A supporter suggested during a Trump rally that Muslims were a problem and that President Barack Obama was a Muslim. Trump engaged him but didn’t correct him. Christie said he would have.

“Listen, Donald Trump’s got to decide, as we’ve seen — I’ve said this all along — he’s got to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be, and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people,” he said on NBC’s “Today.”

7. Trump’s a great guy but isn’t suited to be president — August 2015
Last summer, Christie praised The Donald but questioned whether he should be president. He’s “a great guy and a good person,” Christie said, “but I just don’t think that he’s suited to be president of the United States.”

Speaking on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren,” Christie added that he didn’t believe Trump’s “temperament is suited for that, and I don’t think his experience is.”

8. Beware of Trump — July 2015
Christie warned New Hampshire voters to be wary of any presidential candidate who says he will build a wall across the southern border, as Trump did when he announced his candidacy.

“It’s not going to happen. It’s the wrong message to send, and it’s not going to be effective,” he said during a town hall. “Always beware of the candidate for public office who has the quick and easy answer to a complicated problem.”

Christie argued that Americans shouldn’t kid themselves into believing building a wall is the solution to the nation’s immigration issue. “There may be certain spots where it makes sense to build a wall or build a fence, but not the whole thing,” he said.