Duggars: If not Rick, we'll settle for Mitt

(Courtesy photo)

If Mitt Romney secures the Republican presidential nomination, he’s got the Duggars’ support.

“We will vote for Gov. Romney over our current president,” Jim Bob Duggar, the dad on TLC’s “19 Kids and Counting,” told POLITICO via e-mail on Wednesday. “Gov. Romney has stated he is conservative, if elected we will ask voters to hold him accountable for his conservative promises and assurances he made during the campaign."

The Duggars were dedicated supporters of former Sen. Rick Santorum, who announced the end to his presidential bid on Tuesday.

“The past several months as we have volunteered with Rick's campaign, we have experienced joy in winning as well as the disappointment of coming in behind by a few points," Duggar said, adding that they would happily “do it all over again.”

Since January, the Duggars have appeared at numerous campaign stops across the country with Santorum, often arriving in a bus emblazoned with his name. The former senator thanked them personally for the support during his announcement yesterday.