Ingraham: “We need to Occupy Politico” - On Media: Ingraham: “We need to Occupy Politico”

October 31, 2011

Ingraham: “We need to Occupy Politico”

Laura Ingraham, who clerked for Clarence Thomas in the 1990s, believes the political forces behind POLITICO’s Herman Cain scoop have a certain historical ring to them.

“Doesn’t all this sound familiar?” she said on her radio show. “A black man who thinks for himself, who ends up surprising everyone, including the establishment, who ends up a point ahead of the guy who has raised millions and millions and millions of dollars, and has been running for president for the last five, six years. This upstart guy ends up a point ahead of Romney in Iowa…He needs to be put in his place, a lot of people think. Time to put this man in, hate to say it, the back of the bus.”

She criticized the use of anonymous sources in the story, saying of the two accusers, “I want those two women, I want them on the stands. I want them, five minutes each, questioning them. In five minutes, you can tell all you need to know.”

When a Cain supporter called in saying “it’s too close, the parallels to Clarence Thomas,” and suggesting that “we need to picket” the news organization that published the story until it reveals its sources, Ingraham agreed, saying, “We need to Occupy Politico.”

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